Get started with YouTube Shorts
Unlocking the Power of YouTube Shorts: The Guide to Setting Up Your Campaign

YouTube Shorts ads are video advertisements that play in between videos on Shorts. YouTube Shorts are vertical videos that play for 60 seconds or less.
YouTube Short SPECS
1. 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels
2. YouTube Shorts can be up to 60 seconds in length MAX.
- This can be several 15-second videos combined or one continuous video.
3. Videos must be short in vertical orientation with a 9:16 aspect ratio and 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels resolution
Text Requirements
1. Call to Action - MAX 10 characters
2. Headline MAX 15 characters
3. Long Headline - MAX 90 characters
**Above character limits (including spaces)
Let’s get started - Setting Up YouTube Shorts Ads
1. Log in to or create your Google Ads account
YouTube ads run through the Google Ads platform. So, the first thing you need to do launch ads in YouTube Shorts is to log in to your Google Ads account. If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one.
2. Create a new campaign in Google Ads
Once you’ve logged into your Google Ads account, you’ll want to navigate to All Campaigns. Then, click on the plus icon to start a new campaign.
3. Choose your campaign type and goal
Now that you’ve started a new ad campaign, it’s time to select your campaign type. To create a YouTube Shorts ad, you’ll want to choose Video from the list of options.
choose your campaign goal. You can choose from a few goal options, including leads, web traffic, brand awareness, and more. And if you don’t want to select a goal, simply choose the Create a Campaign Without a Goal option.
4. Select your campaign details
The next step in launching ads in YouTube Shorts is to set up your campaign details. Here, you’ll choose your campaign name, budget, start date, and end date.
5. Set your ad location
Once you’ve set up your campaign details, you can set your ad’s location. This is where your ads will display. You’ll want to select the YouTube Videos option for your ads to display in YouTube Shorts.
**Additional Settings
Ensure that you click the drop down for Additional Settings under that Assets block - here select mobile devices - remove all others devices (Desktop / Tv).
6. Choose your bidding type
Now you’ll choose your bidding type. There are a few different bidding options you can choose from.
7. Choose your target audience
The next step to launch ads in YouTube Shorts is to choose your target audience.
YouTube enables advertisers to take advantage of audience targeting features so you can ensure your ads display for the people most likely to purchase your products or services. You can choose demographics like gender, age, location, and much more.
8. Add your media
One of the most important steps of launching YouTube Shorts ads is adding your media to your campaign.
Your media is the video your audience will see when your ad plays. You’ll first need to upload your video to YouTube to add your media. Then, to choose your video in your ad campaign, you can either search for your video on YouTube or paste the video’s YouTube URL.
9. Configure your ads
The last step in launching your advertising campaign is to configure your ads. Here you’ll select your ad type, ad URL, call to action (CTA), and more.